Gathering together

It would seem that we are wired to gather together with others. According to Priya Parker, author of The Art of Gathering, we are living in a period of time when coming together is more important than ever. Let’s explore why and when we gather.

Prehistoric hunter-gatherers often lived in groups of a few dozen people, consisting of several family units. There was diversity in an organized living space, allowing for the sharing of workload with a probable social network structure. With the prospect of various group configurations, there was an allowance to share, for example, large amounts of meat, when acquired, with other groups of neighboring communities. This provided sustenance, but also minimized waste. The concept of gathering also lays a foundation for language. Not needed when alone, the use of language allows for discussion regarding various important topics like hunting or child rearing strategies.

Communal living is still practiced today. It provides the opportunity to live in your own private space yet be part of a family. It may be practiced for financial reasons, for the social benefits, or to co-habitat with those of similar beliefs. Coexisting with others can be a treasure whereby fundamental needs are met, with a feeling of comfort and belonging.

In what ways do we, can we, gather together?

Conferences: As is said, iron sharpens iron. When we come together with a shared purpose to learn and grow, by sharpening each other’s blade, we become more effective tools. We can learn new skills from others while sharing our own.

Weddings: We can have a deeper sense of significance with key milestone moments when we gather in a symbolic ritual. There is some accountability when a couple makes promises to one another in the presence of witnesses. The ceremony represents the coming together of two families to support and hold the couple accountable for those promises to one another. It is a celebration of their bonded life together.

Funerals: This type of gathering provides a path for the processing of grief. Mourners have an opportunity to process the reality of what has happened. They can share memories of their loved one, while saying goodbye to that physical presence in their life. Sharing these aspects with others who may feel similarly, can be cathartic and healing. We can find comfort in this group setting.

Worship: Genesis 2:18 states God’s intent that we not be alone. As we engage in worship, we can encourage and be an inspiration to others. Non-believers can be influenced by love and good works. Mathew 18:20 says that where two or three are gathered in Jesus’ name, he will be with them. This supports the idea of a community of believers, not necessarily a building or institution.

Meals: It is a cultural custom to gather together around food. There seems significance in the breaking of bread together. Eating can be the most satisfying and joyful time of day. Why not share it with others? Not only does eating together create meaningful time, but studies show that not eating together has quantifiably negative effects on both physical and psychological well-being.

That are many ways to gather with others, both physically and virtually. Although we tend to gather with those that support us and our belief system, never underestimate the power of divine appointments. If you find yourself in an uncomfortable group setting, try to see the big picture. What good might come of it?

If you are feeling lonely, seek out groups and/or activities to provide the opportunity to gather with others. Share your light. Being willing and able to commune with others can provide perspective, cultivate inspiration, ease your burdens, and bring great joy.


Graceful Tolerance

We’re living in a time of intense polarization among our fellow Americans. There are those that have such a passion for their beliefs, they do not allow others to express anything that may challenge it. In an effort to disqualify opposing views, they may attack or explode with toxic, abusive, and/or destructive behavior. This polarization is not just destroying relationships; it’s destroying our country.

With regard to politics, polarization has increased rapidly over the last 40 years. Meaning, citizens feel more negativity toward the other political party than their own. When people from differing political camps cease to respect each other, it’s much harder to make political compromises and to create good public policy.

In recent years, it seems that the divide reaches far beyond political opinions. Some people may be easily offended by others, with an insecure and unhealthy bias that is based on their own belief system.  With easy access to the internet and groups of various affiliation, it is quite easy to surround yourself with like minds, whether right or wrong.

Yet tolerance is the amazing quality of allowing others to do or believe what they want to do/believe, even if you do not agree with it. It is fair and objective. It does not judge nor condemn. Being tolerant of others is a moral virtue and a behavior we should all seek to characterize. Even further is acceptance, embracing and celebrating the differences of others.

When we tolerate the actions and beliefs of others, we are giving them grace, and giving grace to others is God’s will for us. With unconditional acceptance, we open the door to more wisdom, more peace, and more love. With grace, we provide the opportunity to learn from those with opposing views. And although we may believe that our way is the right way, given our humanistic capacity, we often fall short. We may seek to influence others with our own beliefs and maybe even change their minds, however, we need not fix our countenance on making it so.

Expressing tolerance for others can be beneficial for all involved. According to Psychology Today, showing tolerance to others allows them to learn from their consequences in their own time and find their way without trying to control them.

Ways to help you to tolerate others:

  1. Seek to understand their position
  2. Empathize with their beliefs
  3. Place emphasis on your similarities and ignore the differences
  4. Accept that uncertainty is ok
  5. Review your own beliefs, where they were derived, and whether valid

When you feel challenged with tolerance, check yourself first. Evaluate your thoughts and make sure that you are reacting from a healthy place. When your state of mind is disturbed by another, your ego may want to retaliate. Do not let it. Show patience with others by understanding that you yourself have likely, at some point, disturbed the peace of another. Whatever your surroundings may provide, you can always choose to grace with tolerance.


The term redemption can have many meanings. It is an act of buying back something sold, delivering someone from captivity, or saving someone from sin.

Reference to the second definition can be found in the movie Shawshank redemption. The lead character in the move is sent to prison for the murder of his wife and her lover. During the trial and even after incarceration, he continued to proclaim his innocence. He made good use of his time in prison (20 years) by helping others. He expanded the prison library, coached others to attain their GED, and was a finance guru to those in authority. When he finally escaped the inept justice system, he revealed the corruption and began a new life in Mexico with proceeds skimmed from his financial assistance to others. The title of the movie emphasizes his delivery from captivity.

Are you yearning for redemption? Is there a situation or trial in your life that is making you feel trapped or captive to it? Perhaps it is a job, or a relationship. Take some time to evaluate the situation and examine your options. Try to move forward with action in the most practical manner. Consider seeking an objective perspective from someone you trust. Understand that your circumstances, whatever they may be, are not forever. Change is the only permanent aspect of life. This too shall pass. Have faith, hope, trust, and the courage to keep your focus on what is best for you.

According to, Christian theology defines redemption as God’s deliverance of mankind form the evil of sin and His restoration of man to the state of grace by an act of divine power and merciful love. It is a fulfillment of Christ and a representation of both forgiveness and salvation. It is a gift to all and deserving of all. We cannot accomplish spiritual redemption in and of our own strength.

There are many verses in the bible that address redemption. Romans 3:24 says, “all are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus.” Ephesians 2:8 says, “For it is by grace you have been saved through faith, and this not from yourselves; it is the gift of God. Jesus talked a great deal about faith, a catalyst for grace, leading to redemption.

It is in the spirit of love, that Jesus has paid the ransom, releasing us from sin and providing us with everlasting life. Know that you are worthy to accept his gift of love. As we surrender to his will in our life, we embrace his tender mercy.

“The doctrine of grace and redemption keeps us from seeing any person or situation as hopeless.”

~ Timothy Keller

Cultivating Self-Discipline

Self-discipline is the ability to control your behavior in a way that leads you to be more productive, have better habits and achieve positive results. The key, some might say, is in the control. Our ability to control our thoughts, feelings, and behavior is a catalyst to self-discipline. In addition, there seems a direct correlation between self-discipline and societal success. The world glorifies those deemed successful. So how can we cultivate self-discipline and transport ourselves into our own personal success story?

  • WHAT IS YOUR END GAME? Take some time to develop a realistic and achievable goal. Write it clearly with specific language and intent.
  • SET REALISTIC MILESTONES. Break down your goal in individual units or tasks. What does the completed task look like and what is the most effective timeline to achieve it? Make sure to post specific dates or the planned duration for each task.
  • EVALUATE MILESTONES. Set appropriate time(s) to analyze the milestone that you are current in the process of achieving. Are you putting in the time and effort needed to achieve the milestone as planned? If not, what can you do to adjust your effort? Make those adjustments as needed.
  • STAY THE COURSE. All great athletes started somewhere. It is guaranteed that they were not an overnight success. Self-discipline requires a motivation to success and the perseverance or patience to continue moving forward through any challenges that might arise.

Self-discipline can be helpful in all areas of life, how you eat, exercise, work, play, and love. If you can master it in one area of your life, you can transform that blueprint to other areas as well. There are many books available to assist with attaining and maintaining discipline and self-control.

Distraction will surely take you off course. If you find yourself distracted, your mind is seeking an escape from the task at hand. To reduce the risk of distraction, manage your time and stick to a schedule. Remind yourself as distracting thoughts arise, that they can be addressed later, when you have completed the needed task at hand. Stay focused until the task is complete.

When you choose to purse your goals with intention and perseverance, you build something better for yourself, you build success.


Trust:  A firm belief in the reliability, truth, ability, or strength of someone or something.

The term ‘trust’ can be used to describe a belief in the truth of an object, for example, “I believe that the rope bridge is safe, therefore I will venture across it.” Yet more often, the term is used in the context of a relationship. To trust in someone is to rely on their integrity and a belief that what they communicate through words and deeds is indeed true.

In the initial stages of a relationship, you don’t really know the person yet, so there could be no trust, or you may trust not so much based on their words or behavior, but rather on your personal bias towards others. For example, if you have not been betrayed in the past, you may be more likely to trust quickly. There are no rules that outline how long it should take to trust. Trusting may be more about the personalities involved than about any allotted timeframe. No matter the circumstance, the trust of others should never be abused or taken for granted.

Trusting in the ways of life is easy when things appear in flow, but to trust when your life is falling apart, that takes a great deal of faith. When life is challenging, and you feel that you have no one to turn to, know that you always have someone in your corner. Someone who will have your back, who will listen with empathy and guide with compassion. Our God is trustworthy and steady. Seek out his wisdom and spend some quiet time listening for his guidance.

The truth is, God is everywhere. He is on the mountain top and he is in the valley. He is in the sunshine and in the rain. He is in the cries of the newborn, and the smiles of the elderly. Know that you are here for a reason and whether you are on the mountain or in the valley, God is with you. He will not leave you nor forsake you. He hears your prayers and understands you heart. Trust in his will for you. Trust in his timing.

As you trust in him, be yourself trustworthy. There is a saying that states, “Trust takes years to build, seconds to break, and forever to repair.” We may not have the ability to control the words and deeds of others, but we can be a person of integrity ourselves. We can be an example of truth to others. We can proclaim our truth and live by it.

Living Authentically

Authenticity is the degree to which a person’s actions are congruent with their values and desires, despite external pressures to social conformity.

The world may direct you to be someone or something that does not correspond to your true authentic self. When you follow that direction, you are being inauthentic. Learn to quiet the noise of the world; restrain your desire to place value on how the rest of the world is thinking. What is authentic to you is what you feel in the core and depth of your being, in innocence. For the innocent heart is not needy and needs not the approval of others.

Anytime that you see yourself not living authentically, take a deep breath and let your illusions be shattered by becoming transparent and telling the truth. You may feel a sense of isolation in being authentic, yet, you no longer will feel the need to look a certain way, or succeed a certain way so the judgment of the world can nod its head in affirmation. When you do not live in authenticity, you create imprisonment for the soul. Begin the process of discovering what thoughts, beliefs, and values are yours and not merely the influence of others.

Ask yourself:

  • Where am I being inauthentic?
  • Where am I just showing up in a way that others expect me to?
  • Where am I following a certain ideology so that I might feel superior to those that are not?
  • Where am I denying my humanity in order to present a specific image to another?

When we truly step into who we are, living authentically, we cultivate deeper relationships while respecting ourselves and others more fully. We can have the courage to stand tall in our character and surrender to the outcome. As we do so, we create space to relax and expand in our truth. When we trust the journey to authenticity, we are beautifully and wonderfully made anew.

Hope Versus Faith

On a very hot day, Andrew found himself lost in the desert. Completely out of water, he could not get his bearings nor find his way back to his starting point. He was desperately searching for signs of water when he spotted what appeared to be a small hut in the distance. Thinking it could be an illusion, he continued walking towards it until he reached it. When he opened the door, he found no one there. Seemingly abandoned for some time, he was surprised to find a hand pump. Overcome with thirst, he started pumping, but there were no signs of water. He was finally overcome by exhaustion. He then searched the hut and found a bottle of water hidden in the corner. He was so grateful and prepared to drink it, when he found a note attached to it. The paper stated, “please use this water to start the pump. It works. After you are done, do not forget to refill the bottle again.”

He had to make a choice. He could drink the water in the bottle, or he could use the water to prime the pump to get abundant water. He couldn’t help but think, “but will the pump work if I use the water?” If not, he would waste the much needed water. Could he trust the words on the paper?

He paused for a moment, closed his eyes, and prayed. Then he poured the water from the bottle into the pump and began pumping. Soon, he heard a bubbling sound, and water began pouring from the pump. He drank his fill, filled his bottle, then refilled the bottle from the hut. Afterward, he saw a pencil and map which explained the direction to a nearby village.

How did hope play a role in Andrew’s predicament? Hope can be defined as a wish or desire for a particular event, an event considered possible. It seems quite feasible that he was hoping to find water. According to Harvard University, hope is beginning to reveal its value in scientific studies. Hope can provide an opportunity for us to process events that seem unsurmountable. As an essential component of our well-being, hope can foster positivity, even in the face of its absence.

How did faith play a role in Andrew’s predicament? Faith is the assurance of things hoped for. It is to trust in something that cannot be explicitly proven. When Andrew made the decision to pour the only available water into the pump, he had faith that the pump would then produce even more water. Trust was needed to actually pour the water.

Hope and faith are distinct yet complementary. When Andrew believed that the pump would work, he had faith. At the same time, that belief kindled joy, which was hope. Without faith, there is no hope, and without hope, there is not true faith.  

In 1 Corinthians 13:13, we are called to abide in faith, hope, and love. Faith and hope are instrumental to our ability to cope with the world around us. Therefore, go forth in faith, knowing the impact hope plays on your health and well-being. Continue to hope, and may faith always guide you.


You Matter

Sometimes a simple text, phone call, or email to check on someone makes a big difference. People need to know they matter. Life gets busy and most understand that but when you take a moment to Live it! By brightening someone’s day, the world gets a little brighter.

Who can you reach out to today to put a smile on their face and let them know they matter in this world?

Never underestimate the power of kindness for where there is great Love there are Miracles.

Live it!

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Leave Your Imprint On This World

Each day brings an opportunity to impact the lives around you in a positive way. People will not remember what position you held, what clothes you wore, what car you drove, or the house you lived in but they will remember how you made them feel. You can leave an amazing imprint in this world by being kind, considerate, and loving.

The people in your life and inner circle right now are not a coincidence. You are meant to have a positive impact on the lives around you.

Live it!

Light Up the World!

We have all witnessed when someone walks into the room and the whole room LIGHTS UP! They bring so much joy, light, kindness, and positivity! It is like a breath of fresh air!

Be that person!

You have a choice to bring goodness and positivity into this world or darkness and negativity. When you choose to bring goodness, you are the one walking into the room changing the atmosphere. Never underestimate the impact you have on others each day. Your smile and kind words can change everything. Live it!

Join us in bringing much-needed Love to the world.