Authenticity is the degree to which a person’s actions are congruent with their values and desires, despite external pressures to social conformity.
The world may direct you to be someone or something that does not correspond to your true authentic self. When you follow that direction, you are being inauthentic. Learn to quiet the noise of the world; restrain your desire to place value on how the rest of the world is thinking. What is authentic to you is what you feel in the core and depth of your being, in innocence. For the innocent heart is not needy and needs not the approval of others.
Anytime that you see yourself not living authentically, take a deep breath and let your illusions be shattered by becoming transparent and telling the truth. You may feel a sense of isolation in being authentic, yet, you no longer will feel the need to look a certain way, or succeed a certain way so the judgment of the world can nod its head in affirmation. When you do not live in authenticity, you create imprisonment for the soul. Begin the process of discovering what thoughts, beliefs, and values are yours and not merely the influence of others.
Ask yourself:
- Where am I being inauthentic?
- Where am I just showing up in a way that others expect me to?
- Where am I following a certain ideology so that I might feel superior to those that are not?
- Where am I denying my humanity in order to present a specific image to another?
When we truly step into who we are, living authentically, we cultivate deeper relationships while respecting ourselves and others more fully. We can have the courage to stand tall in our character and surrender to the outcome. As we do so, we create space to relax and expand in our truth. When we trust the journey to authenticity, we are beautifully and wonderfully made anew.